lellow jello

02 July 2007

hi-hi birdies

heya birdies! wow, its been so long since my last post! mostly because i haven't been doing anything crafty lately, so i don't really have anything to share...but i'm hoping to get inspired and start up a new project soon.

i must say, wedding season has definately arrived! it seems like we've been having wedding showers, invitations, ceremonies, receptions, and the like, so frequently the last couple months...so the one thing i have being doing is card making. good thing i got a cake die set for my quick kutz! it sure has been coming in handy! well, i guess the above picture is a tribute to all the love birds we've been celebrating. i saw the birds cuddling and it was just too cute to pass by without a quick snap. unfortuante that by the time i busted out my camera, they weren't cuddling quite as much...so much for a "quick snap." oh well, they're still cute.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute post, J! Our photographer snapped a similar pic of lovebirds at our wedding. You could go pro!

We should get together soon. We have to celebrate your b-day!

10:37 AM  
Blogger shana said...

hahaha so with all the invites have you had to stave off the hordes of questions about you, ryan and the provebial knot??? don't worry i'm not asking that same question...i'm all for cohabitation as long as it doesn't require household relocation! (don't tell mom i said that...hahaha)

3:35 PM  

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