lellow jello

07 August 2006


so this is the bag...minus the felting. awesome for water conservation (but not so awesome for my felt-knitting-needs), my washer is a front-loader (better than a free-loader). so the next step to completion is getting my hands on a top-loader (guess i'll be the free-loader) to get my felting on. for now my bag is oversized and floppy, kinda like me! i think the colors came out cute, btw, so thanks for the votes.


Blogger Susanne said...

wow, you are one speedy muthuh bruthuh! purse AND pouch?! v-cute!

it takes me forever to finish things--i knit slow plus i hem and haw over finishing.

i have a top loader if you wanna take a chance with our crazy machine (it's actually not that crazy). maybe i should try to felt something too! nah, that would take too long. but you're welcome to our machine--hot water is free!!!

5:00 PM  
Blogger shana said...

you gonna felt at moms??? its v-v-cute! i haven't knitted anything in ages...sux. when are you gonna knit me a bag hehe! i still use the other one you didn't like and gave to me...the orangie one!

6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your new blog! So nice to hear all about your clever crafting and cooking. Quite the domestic diva! Now I have reminders in paper (calendar) and electronic form. Sweet. Can't wait to read more. Love and miss you!

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay!!! now i figured out how to comment without being a blogger member. the bag is very beautiful!!! you are so creative. Love the blog....post pictures of your cute face :).

Love, D

12:09 PM  

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