lellow jello

28 August 2006


well, i finally felted up! i know, i know, it took sooooo long to get on it...but goodness, those 20 minute drives to get to a top-loading washer are tough to make. the felting was a refreshingly quick and easy process, considering it was for a knitting project. i was worried i wouldn't be able to tell when it was done felting (imagine how embarrassing if i accidentally over-felted!), but that was not a hard feat at all. now all i gotta do is sew some snaps on it for closure (pun intended), and then stick a fork in it, cause its d-u-n, DONE!

20 August 2006

soft (furry?) labor

so here's my current WIP (work in progress). my little striped buddy here offered to help out with some of the knitting when my fingers started to hurt and my elbow-pits started sweating (i hate that!). pretty sad that that happened after such a short amount of knitting.

my more active little buddy decided he wanted to get in on the action too, and joined in on the knitty fun! funny how my kitties are so attracted to knitting, even when there's not a lot of needle movement. maybe he was just jealous of all the camera time stripes got.

14 August 2006


even though today was a day off, i felt about productive as my little kitty over here. granted, i did get some stuff done: made a card, started a new knitting project, picked up our two new special diets (for the kitties of course: mega-diet diet food for chunky and sensitive stomach for pukey), ordered a gift for my folks, and went walking. but i was somehow unable to get the important stuff done...didn't vacuum, didn't make dinner, didn't do laundry, didn't go market. lame lame lame. i think i need to work on my domestic skills. the kitties looked so comfy at home, i guess i took a cue from them and decided to make it a lazy day. maybe next monday i'll be a more productive lady...hope the cats don't trick me again.

07 August 2006

boxy fun

my silly
kitties. as soon as i got home from sam's and began unpacking my box of vitamin water into the pantry, skinny kitty decided the box should be his new throne. he enjoyed his view from atop the stove, then proceeded to enjoy sharpening his teeth on the stiff plastic. the chunky one got jealous of the new found box fun, jumped onto the stove, and kicked out skinny (please note: being true to documentary form, i was unable to intervene). chunky watched the skinny one triumphantly from above, but being "the big guy," was unable to get comfortable in the small box. sorry buddy...looks like this box was better suited to our more sylphlike friend.

ok, so this isn't my pet...but he is the reason why i'm scared to pick oranges from our tree, and why i walk so fast up my street on my way home from work. you can't tell from the picture, but he's kinda big, he has a really low and loud bark, and i have absolutely no reason to believe that the half-ripped screen will keep him from lunging out the window at me. somebody get a new screen, please.


so this is the bag...minus the felting. awesome for water conservation (but not so awesome for my felt-knitting-needs), my washer is a front-loader (better than a free-loader). so the next step to completion is getting my hands on a top-loader (guess i'll be the free-loader) to get my felting on. for now my bag is oversized and floppy, kinda like me! i think the colors came out cute, btw, so thanks for the votes.

04 August 2006

colorful advice

hello all...hoping for some advice here. i'm knitting a bag, and i'm not sure about my color scheme. i used winter blue for the main color...for the contrasting color on top, should i use creme or supreme purple? i'm kinda leaning toward the creme 'cause i'm not sure if purple and blue are too funky together and will therefore match nothing i own, thus becoming just another bag in my closet that i never use...buuuuuuuht (since the contrast color is the handle portion of the bag) if i use creme, my grubby hands may turn the handles into a taupe color pretty quickly. anyone know how well wool washes? which one do you guys think will work better? thanks in advance for your input! i'll be sure and post the finished product so you can see how well your advice went...and if it doesn't work out, i'll be forced to blame the masses! ;) tee-hee...just kidding! could the 2 people who read this blog really be considered masses? tee-hee...just kidding again. i promise i'll be happy with either color...it could go either way, i just want another perspective.